Wednesday 22 September 2010

Open GL and Direct3D Comparison

Direct 3D is an API that provides functions to render three dimensional graphics, and uses hardware acceleration, it was designed by Microsoft Corporation and is most commonly used in for Video Games.

Open GL is an open source API that provides functions for rendering 2D and 3D graphics and is available on most systems, it is most commonly used for professional 3D applications.


Open Gl has always seen more use in the professional graphics market than Direct3D, where Direct3D is mostly used for computer games. Originally professional graphics cards only supported Open GL but now a graphics card that runs Windows will support Direct3D. Direct3D was designed with game creation in mind whereas OpenGL is a more general purpose 3D API so it provides features not aimed at any particular user.

Monday 20 September 2010

Modernism in the Prisoner

Modernism in the Prisoner

the Prisoner was filmed in 1967 and was heavily influenced by the Modernism movement of the late 1960’s. the new materials like plastics being used for phones or seating meant that they no longer needed to be made with 4 legs and a back or with angular and hard edges, they could be made with curved and smooth lines, and this shows in the Prisoner.

Below is an example of a chair from the show:

And these are phones from the show:

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Applications of 3D

3d modelling is used for a wide variety of things such as:
Within the games industry it is used to create all manner of objects, weapons, buildings, characters, cut scenes, advertisements and environments, any game made these days will be made with a 3D program like Maya.
In the film industry, it’s used for creating characters for animated and real life movies, whole films can be animated with this software (The Incredibles, Monsters Inc, Shrek, Ice age) or real life with 3D elements (Transformers, Stuart little, Garfield).
The medical industry uses it to create human anatomy, body parts and detailed organs.
Chemical compounds are made for the science section.
The engineering industry uses the software (CAD / CAM) to create models of mechanical tools, equipment and machinery. The initial design is created on computer, then transfered to a machining tool aided by a computer to create it automaticly.
It can be used to create advertisements unrelated to the games industry as well.
TV programs can be made with this software in the same way a film would be.
In engineering architecture, the buildings can be created with this software to show how they will look when completed, and can even have a camera fly though to show how the interior will look.
Pre-visualization is another application, related to some of the above such as architecture.

Birth of a Blog

The time is 11:37AM, on 15th September 2010, here will be the start of a blog lasting at least 11 weeks mabye more, where I'll be updating with work and research on my collage project about 3D and enviroments.

Advice and feedback is appreciated!